70+ Saint Rampal Ji Images – Sant Rampal Quotes

Description About Saint Rampal Ji

Rampal Ji, also known as Sant Rampal, is a spiritual leader and founder of the Satlok Ashram in Haryana, India. He has gained significant attention and followership over the years for his teachings and discourses on spirituality and social issues. Rampal Ji was born on September 8, 1951, in a small village in the state of Haryana. He started his spiritual journey as a disciple of Swami Ramdevanand Ji Maharaj and later established his own ashram in the year 1999. His teachings are deeply rooted in the Hindu scriptures, particularly the Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas. One of the key aspects of Rampal Ji’s teachings is the emphasis on attaining salvation and liberation through devotion and meditation. He believes in the existence of a divine realm called Satlok, where true salvation can be attained. His followers consider him to be the incarnation of Kabir, a renowned medieval saint and poet. Rampal Ji has been involved in various social initiatives, such as advocating against social evils like dowry, caste discrimination, and superstitions. He has also spoken out against religious conversions and has emphasized the need for religious harmony and unity.

Saint Rampal Ji Images

Jagat Guru Sant Rampal Ji Picture

Spiritual Leader Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Saint Rampal Ji Picture

Saint Rampal Picture

Saint Rampal Photo

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Baba Rampal Ji Image

Guru Ji

Saint Rampal

Saint Rampal Pic

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ka Photo

Jagat Guru Sant Rampal Ji Photo

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Spiritual Leader Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji Photo

Baba Rampal Ji

Baba Rampal Ji Photo

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Photo

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Baba Rampal Ji

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Saint Rampal Image

Spiritual Leader Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji Pic

Spiritual Leader Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji Photo

Spiritual Leader Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji Picture

Spiritual Leader Jagatguru Saint Rampal Ji Image

Spiritual Leader Jagatguru Saint Rampal

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Hari Aye Hariyane Nu

Jagat Guru Saint Rampal Ji Picture

Jagat Guru Sant Rampal Ji

Jagat Guru Sant Rampal Ji Pic

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Photo

Santo Ki Mahima Aprampar Purn Brahm Mile Kartar Wallpaper

Param Sant Rampal Ji

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Saint Rampal Ji Satguru Pic

Sant Rampal Ji Quotes

सतभक्ति करने से सभी प्रकार के दुःख 100% गारण्टी के साथ खत्म होंगे.. विश्वास नहीं तो भक्ति करके देखों ।

इस विश्व मे सतभक्ति केवल मेरे (संत रामपाल जी) के पास है, और किसी के पास नहीं, इसे अभिमान समझों या कुछ और…लेकिन सच यही है ।

एक दिन ऐसा आएगा.. जब सभी लोग कबीर साहेब की भक्ति करेंगे । कबीर साहेब के अलावा कोई भगवान नहीं है । एक दिन पूरा विश्व इस बात को मानेगा ।

परमात्मा ने शिक्षा इसलिए दी है कि हम भगवान को पहचाने और उनकी भक्ति करें। पवित्र शास्त्रों को अपनी आंखों से देखें और समझे, और अपना कल्याण करवाये ।

भारत फिर से विश्वगुरु बनेगा । इस संसार के सभी लोग एक भगवान (कबीर साहेब) को पूजेंगे । सारा संसार सुखी होगा । कलयुग में सतयुग की स्थापना होगी ।

मात्र 3 साल का बच्चा भी परमेश्वर की भक्ति कर सकता है । मोक्ष उद्देश्य हो । माता पिता को चाहिए कि वो अपने बच्चों को सतभक्ति पर लगाये, जिससे उनका जीवन सुखमय हो ।

अगर किसी भगत का मेरे (संत रामपाल जी) से नाम उपदेश लेने के बाद भी मृत्यु को प्राप्त हो गया तो उसका अगला जन्म 100% गारण्टी के साथ मनुष्य का होगा ।

इस संसार मे ये दास (संत रामपाल जी) ही आखिरी नबी है । जो अरबो मनुष्यों को पार करेगा ।

एक बार कबीर साहेब की भक्ति करके तो देखो… कैंसर क्या कैंसर का बाप भी ठीक होगा । भगवान सब कुछ कर सकता है ।

इस दास (संत रामपाल जी) का उद्देश्य धन कमाना नहीं है, बल्कि आप सब को सतभक्ति करवा कर मोक्ष दिलवाना है ।

Acquire such as sadguru who provides complete salvation.

Only the destruction of sins can bring happiness to the living being

One should not cause any harm to others for one’s selfish interests. One should speak politely.

You read Geeta ji daily but still are doing Sadhna opposite to the method mentioned in Geeta ji

Those who go to Satlok obtain all the comforts without doing any work.

Sun does not rise or set in Satlok.

Sins that are obstacles in the path of bhakti are destroyed by doing bhakti

By consuming the medicine of spiritual knowledge a living being overcomes his/her intoxication

Supreme God Kabir Himself coming in all the four yugas gives His true path of bhakti

A religious person without a Guru will get the result of the performed dharam in the lives of animals and birds

After attaining a human life a person who does not perform auspicious deeds his future becomes hell

In Satlok, nobody turns old, one always remains young

All kinds of sorrows will end with a 100% guarantee by doing Satbhakti .. If not faith, then do a devotion.

Kaal is the root of all the sorrow.

In this world, Satbhakti is only with me (Saint Rampal Ji), and no one has it, to consider it arrogant or something … But this is the truth.

Supreme God Kabir can raise the dead.

One day it will come .. When everyone will do devotion to Kabir Sahib. There is no god but only Kabir Saheb is real God. One day the whole world will recognize this.

The one who does not have faith in Guru’s word is not a devotee.

God has given education to us that we recognize God and worship him. See and understand the holy scriptures with your own eyes, and get your welfare done.

Those who take refuge in God Kabir cannot be attacked by Satan/Kaal.

India will again become a Vishwaguru. All the people of this world will worship one God (God Kabir). The whole world will be happy. Satyug will be established in Kalyug.

We have to make our way of worship according to the scriptures.

Even a 3-year-old child can also do devotion to God. Salvation should be the aim. Parents should put their children in good faith so that their lives are happy.

Human life is incomplete without spiritual knowledge.

This slave (Saint Rampal Ji) is the last prophet in this world. Who is showing this world the path of salvation

Supreme God Kabir is our master and a master can grant anything.

If a Bhagat has received death even after taking sermon from me (Saint Rampal Ji), then his next birth will be of human with a 100% guarantee.

We are not from this world, we are the residents of Satlok.

The aim of this slave (Saint Rampal Ji) is not to earn money, rather, all of you have to get salvation by doing devotion.

Every work of God is flawless.

If a Bhagat has received death even after taking sermon from me (Saint Rampal Ji), then his next birth will be of human with a 100% guarantee.

There is no scarcity in Satlok.

God ordered living beings to be vegetarian.

There is creation in satlok and it is similar to this world but there are pure souls there

It is written in the Vedas that liberation from birth and death will only happen by going in the refuge of Param Akshar Brahm.

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